The Jamaican Virtual Herbarium
Welcome to the online portal of the University of the West Indies' and Institute of Jamaica's Virtual Herbarium. A project funded by the Environmental Foundation of Jamaica that received logistical support from Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens. We are currently testing our facility and welcome you to be a part of that process. Please feel free to use the query terminal to the left of this message to enter your search parameter(s) and when ready click on the "Submit Query" button to begin your search. There are hints that will pop-up if you hover your cursor over the respective input boxes. Click here for more information regarding this project.
This project began by cataloguing the collections of W. M. Harris at UWI and G. R. Proctor at IOJ, with focus placed on 10 families/subfamilies. Namely:
- Annonaceae
- Bignoniaceae
- Caesalpiniaceae (“Caesalpinioideae” of APG II 2003 Fabaceae)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Lauraceae
- Mimosaceae (Mimosoideae of APG II 2003 Fabaceae)
- Moraceae
- Myrtaceae
- Fabaceae s.s. (Faboideae or Papilionoideae of APG II 2003 Fabaceae s. l.)
- Rubiaceae
Data entry continues and currently 1,638 specimen-records are available for query.
Please Note:
- In order to view any specimen you will need the following plug-in:

- A percentage sign (%) may be used as a wild card to help with searches. E.g.:
- Entering species name as "jam%" will return results for those records with species names beginning with "jam".
- Entering species name as "%mosa" will return results for those records with species names ending with "mosa".
- When searching for a locality which may have the word "pen" in its name use, "%pen%".
- For more help, click here.
- If you have any feedback please submit them to
- To contact the UWI Herbarium directly, please reach out to:
- You may cite this page as: Rose, P. E. (2009). The Jamaican Virtual Herbarium.